Play a 90-Day Game to enjoy more of what you BOTH want in love and life.

Don't settle for the default dynamic. DESIGN for delight instead!

Enter your info below and I'll send you the Masterclass login info now and the FREE PLAYbook after attending LIVE.
Play a 90-Day Game to enjoy more of what you BOTH want in love and life.

Don't settle for the default dynamic. DESIGN for delight instead!

Enter your info below and I'll send you the Masterclass login info now and the FREE PLAYbook after attending LIVE.

LIVE September 18th, 5:30pm PT

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When one beloved blames, the other beloved defends. It’s relationship math. Then you’re on a slippery slope that can easily turn a misunderstanding or bad day into a messy fight with deep and lasting impact.

Wouldn't it be easier, more enjoyable and so much less draining to focus on SOLUTIONS rather than getting "stuck in the muck" or dissecting dramas?
Can you imagine the difference in your relationship and day to day life if you were focused as allies "Aiming for Awesome" rather than as adversaries at odds over every little thing?

Create a 90Day Game that sets your relationship up for a major SHIFT. Steer clear from a problem focus and lean into a forward focus based on what you BOTH want most.

When one beloved blames, the other beloved defends. It’s relationship math. Then you’re on a slippery slope that can easily turn a misunderstanding or bad day into a messy fight with deep and lasting impact.

Wouldn't it be easier, more enjoyable and so much less draining to focus on SOLUTIONS rather than getting "stuck in the muck" or dissecting dramas?
Can you imagine the difference in your relationship and day to day life if you were focused as allies "Aiming for Awesome" rather than as adversaries at odds over every little thing?

Create a 90Day Game that sets your relationship up for a major SHIFT. Steer clear from a problem focus and lean into a forward focus based on what you BOTH want most.

LIVE September 18th, 5:30pm PT

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Your GUIDE on the SIDE...

YOU know what's best for you, so I wont try to be a “sage on the stage”. Instead, consider me your “guide on the side” as you explore and create what you and your beloved want most.

While I have a Masters degree in Education, Counseling and Guidance and now over 25 years of coaching and teaching experience, it’s my own “messy-to-magical” marriage that has my relationship coaching be so spot on.

I’m a wiz at supporting couples in not just digging themselves out of a relationship "ditch", but fostering a Couple Culture of Aiming for Awesome and pursuing what you actually both DO want instead.

I’m honored and delighted to be your Love Trifecta coach, helping you create more play, peace and passion in love and life.
Your ally in aiming for awesome,

As Featured On

As Featured On


LIVE September 18th, 5:30pm PT

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